Industry / Technology
A good technical translation needs more than solid linguistic skills in the source and target language and an excellent dictionary of technical terms. An understanding of technology is imperative for a correct translation of service or user manuals, data sheets, patent documentation or other technical documents into the given target language.
Our project managers assign the translator with the most experience in the relevant specialist field. Nevertheless, the translator needs to be aware of the context in order to understand complex processes, to research special terminology and sometimes questions need to be asked. These are projects where long-term cooperation is invaluable.
We strictly work with our CAT tool Trados for technical translations. This ensures the consistent use of specialist terminology and allows us to carry out quickly and efficiently terminology changes and other corrections that may be needed.
The following is a selection of five of our clients in each respective category. If your field is not listed here or if you would like a more detailed list, please send us an email.
Five client references
Plant Construction
- Chriwa Wasseraufbereitungstechnik GmbH
- GUT Giesserei Umwelt Technik GmbH
- KOCH Industrieanlagen GmbH
- Lödige Fördertechnik GmbH
- PCA Roboter- und Verpackungstechnik GmbH
Construction Industry
- Altec Aluminium Technik GmbH
- Krinner Schraubfundamente GmbH
- Linzmeier Bauelemente GmbH
- Novadach GmbH
- SDT Schall-Dämm-Technik GmbH
Electrics / Electronics
- Arcus Elektrotechnik Alois Schiffman GmbH
- Ceotronics AG
- Condor Pressure Control GmbH
- Ebinger Prüf- und Ortungstechnik GmbH
- Zweibrüder Optoelectronics GmbH
Energy / Raw Materials
- Berliner Energieagentur GmbH
- Carbotechnik GmbH
- EKO-PLANT Entwicklungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft für ökotechnische Anlagen mbH
- ifeu Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung GmbH
- VTA Austria GmbH
- Dowaldwerke Bremen GmbH
- HSR GmbH
- Knoll Hydraulik GmbH & Co. KG
- Montanhydraulik GmbH
- TC-Hydraulik GmbH
Automotive Engineering
- EHR Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH
- Goracon Systemtechnik GmbH
- Holmer Maschinenbau GmbH
- KW Kranwerke AG
Mechanical Engineering / Tools
- Conmetall Meister GmbH
- eska Kossatz Maschinenbau GmbH
- EWM Eichelhardter Werkzeug- & Maschinenbau GmbH
- Lothar A. Wolf Spezialmaschinen GmbH
- Ritterhuder Armaturen GmbH
Measuring and Test Equipment
- Bosch Inspection Technology GmbH
- LEHNERT-Fertigungsmesstechnik GmbH
- VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH
- Vogt Ultrasonics GmbH
- Walter Finkbeiner GmbH
Metal Industry
- BFG Feinguss Hessen GmbH
- GERLIEVA Sprühtechnik GmbH
- Güthle Pressenspannen GmbH
- Münker Metallprofile GmbH
- Theodor Buschmann GmbH & Co. KG