About us
Jobs and Careers
Our team is currently complete.
If you are interested in working as a project manager in our Munich or Cologne offices, please do send us your application. Project-based opportunities may open up at any time. A further office in Barcelona is planned for 2020. Please just send us an email.
Thank you for your interest in working with us.
Unfortunately we are currently unable to offer any intern positions.
Should there be vacancies again, we will of course announce this on popular job forums.
You can send your application directly by email to Mr Frischhut: m.frischhut@cerebro.de
Short description
Our clients are largely medium-sized companies based in Germany. We work with a network of around 500 translators around the world, preferably living in the country where their native language is spoken. Project managers are based in our German branches and at our office in Barcelona. Our project managers facilitate communication between our clients and translators. Their tasks include consultation, project preparation, quote creation, project management, quality control and proofreading translations. We primarily translate texts in the fields of technology, pharma/medicine, jurisprudence and marketing. As an intern, you will support our project managers and become familiar with all the working processes of a translation agency.
Translation project management: creating quotes and offers, communication with our translators and German clients, quality management and proofreading translations, handling small translations, given the appropriate skills.
Preferably students of linguistics/translation sciences or students attending other institutions in the field of translation. Basic knowledge of standard PC software. Welcome, but not a requirement: knowledge of CAT tools (e.g. Trados) We are happy to accept non-German interns, although excellent spoken and written German is a key requirement.
Learning content:
You will learn how to manage a project from the first to the last step: first customer contact, preparing offers using our CAT tool Trados, communication with translators and customers, translation quality control, teamwork with other project managers, project organisation.
Remuneration for interns
We will make a monthly contribution towards your expenses to the amount of EUR 400.
Working hours and duration of internship
Unless otherweise agreed, our interns work full-time: 9-17.00 Monday to Thursday and 9-15.00 Friday. If an intern is doing additional training courses, we are happy to arrange a suitable adjustment to working hours. Duration of internship: 3-6 months.
We have made a conscious decision not to offer an online application platform. Instead, we are looking forward to your personal application via email.
We are interested in continually expanding our team of translators. This applies for all language combinations and areas of expertise.
First of all, a short overview of our agency. We work predominantly with medium-sized clients from a broad range of industries within the German market, as well as some international clients from countries including Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain and the US. You can find further information in the Industries section.
Projects are mostly on a short-term basis and differ greatly in terms of content and volume. Ideally the same linguist will always work for the same client as their core translator. Hence, it is beneficial for us to find translators with whom we can establish and maintain a continuous and pleasant long-term partnership
What we want from our translators:
- Specialist knowledge in the subject area of the specific project
- Good research of specialist terms required to complete the project (specialist vocabulary, DIN standards, Internet etc.)
- Compliance with agreed delivery deadlines
- Precisely following instructions outlined in the purchase order (e.g. delivery format)
- Questions in the provided query file
- Skilled use of agreed CAT tools
- Availability by email or phone, preferably from Monday to Friday 9-17.00 CET
What we offer our translators:
- Clear purchase orders for each individual order outlining deadline, source and target format, price etc.
- Punctual payment
- Continuous workflow
You are welcome to take a look at our previous ratings on ProZ.
If you are interested, please send an email to our colleague Barbara Schmelzer.
Your application should contain the following information:
- Language combinations – please bear in mind that Cerebro AG works exclusively with native speakers of the target language.
- Education
- Areas of expertise
- CAT tools
- Contact details incl. phone number
- Price per word/source language
- Your availability (word count/day, working hours)
After assessing your qualifications, you will receive from us a test translation of 250-300 words in the language combination you have indicated and your area of expertise. A good assessment from our proofreaders is required to be accepted in our translator team.
We thank you for your interest in working for us and look forward to your application.
We are looking for several employees for discreet telephone acquisitions for 4 hours once to twice a week (by arrangement in the mornings or afternoons, days freely selectable) for a total of around 50 hours per month.
Place of work: your office/home.
You must have a computer and Internet connection.
A VOIP phone will be provided for making calls.
Requirements: you must speak accent-free German.
Besides a friendly telephone presence, you only need basic knowledge of MS Office.
Please send your application by email to Mr Frischhut: m.frischhut@cerebro.de
Thank you for your interest in working with us.