CAT Tools
Known as CAT tools, programs for computer-assisted translation can help achieve better quality and shorter delivery times, whilst at the same time saving costs. It is impossible to imagine the translation industry today without them.
These support programs are in no way comparable with machine translations (MT). Instead, they are used to produce consistent translations for projects with recurring terminology. In principle, we use the CAT tool Trados for all translation projects. Texts are read by the software and appear sentence by sentence for translation in the original language (left) and target language (right). The translator is shown translations from previous projects in the target segment. Matches with the inputted glossaries are marked in the source text segment and the term from the glossary is suggested in both languages. We believe the use of CAT tools is essential for professional quality assurance of translations.
Advantages of CAT tools:
- Cost reductions (sections of texts that will not be translated are programmed to be excluded)
- Further savings for future projects
- Optimised linguistic consistency
- Shorter turnaround times for all production processes
- Protects source formatting
- Increased organisational capacity and coordination
- Creation of a TM (translation memory)
- Simple and assured use of specialist terms from glossaries
- Quick and effective incorporation of corrections and changes to names or terms
- Tag protection
- Better segmentation, e.g. in Excel
- Enables the use of QA software
If the client wishes, we can also work with other CAT tools like MemoQ, Wordfast or even their company’s own translation tools.